What We Do

About us:

  • We are an official member of the worldwide Instagram community known as Igers.

  • Community members participate by following our social media accounts, engaging with our posts, and using our hashtags #igerscoventry and #igerswarwickshire

  • Our social media activities and events are managed by the Community Leaders on a voluntary basis.


Our Aims:

  • to have fun, and enjoy our shared love of photography, videography & social media.

  • to encourage the community to engage and develop their skills, both online and offline.

  • to showcase some of the beautiful images captured in Coventry & Warwickshire, and the amazing creativity from our community.


What are people saying about our community?

“You encourage everyone to participate, and your Instagram feed reflects this. I love that.”

- Imran @imran_ab

“Good sense of community, and the ability to share a mutual interest with others in the area.”

- Craig Frick @craigfrick

"Great variety of photos."

-Neil Porter @capturelifeuk

“I love your page! Makes me proud to live here! And I'm a Brummie girl through and through. But I see your page and I am so proud to live here.”

-Sophie @lua_svj

"I like the broad selection of stuff you feature (not just stuff that fits a 'house style')".

-Richard Smith @beardymerlin


Want to work with us?

Meet our community leaders

Become a f5iger